The Golden Nanners Part 4 – Quantum of Nanners
March 12, 2009



For the next few days, Nanners will announce the winners of the Golden Nanners Awards.

Today’s award: Best Film of 2008

1) Slumdog Millionaire

2)  Wall-E

3) The Wrestler

4) The Dark Knight

5) Milk


The Dark Knight…suck it Slumdog ( a good film, but not Best Picture material)

Nanners Batman

Nanners will return Monday with more winners. In the meantime, give this video a spin:

Or this:

And this..a Watchmen related video (contains language):

Nanners seeks financial bailout
December 11, 2008

After days of struggling to pay his bill, Nanners has finally decided to join American auto manufacturers in seeking a federal bailout in the amount of 2.3 gadillion bazillion dollars. Nanners, like the rest of the folks being bailed out, has no intention of paying this astronomical, and fictional, number back–he just wants a piece of the pie. Can you blame him? What or who is next, auto loan makers?  …oh wait, they probably are next–get in line quick!!

Congress Autos and Nanners

For you entertaiment, I present: “The Dark Bailout”